kod test et
package {
import com.flvplayer.FlvPlayer;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class FlvPlayerApi extends MovieClip {
public var myVideo:FlvPlayer = new FlvPlayer();
public function FlvPlayerApi() {
//setup the video source
//video general settings
myVideo.width = 444;
myVideo.height = 249;
myVideo.x = 188;
myVideo.y = 1;
//video button display options
myVideo.showbStop = false;
myVideo.showbBack = false;
myVideo.showbForward = false;
myVideo.showbInfo = false;
myVideo.showbCc = false;
myVideo.showbFullscreen = false;
myVideo.showbMenu = false;
//video layout setup
myVideo.interfaceLayout = "outside";
//add the video to the stage